Price and specifications of electric radiators






What is an electric radiator?

Electric radiators are usually made in the form of blades (15,13,12,11,10 blades) and wall or mobile. There is fluid oil in these radiators that the elements inside the radiator cause it to heat up and move in the blades. Radiator and provide ambient heat, this device is used in places where it is not possible to piping for the package, such as guard rooms, kiosks, bedrooms or as an auxiliary heating device. Electric radiator oil is permanent. And does not need to be replaced. They have a moderate amount of electricity consumption, which depends on the length of hours of use. The use of these devices for large places is not recommended due to the use of long hours and the high cost of electricity. These radiators heat the desired environment quickly, occupy little space of the building, and because they dry the humidity of the environment, it is not suitable to use them if the humidity is needed. Failure to use fossil fuels has made them completely environmentally friendly. From different types of electric radiators, we can mention Nova, Nika, Pars Radiator, Milanovo Media brands.

Electric radiator price

 These radiators are available in the price range of 2,500,000 to 7,000,000 in the market. Due to price fluctuations, please contact Lushkani Trading for inquiries: 02832224488 and 09199571382.