What is a pool skimmer؟

What is a pool skimmer?

Pools are designed and implemented in two forms with or without skimmers (overflow mechanism). In the skimmer method, this piece is used to collect leaves, dead insects and suspended objects that do not settle in the pools, which are available in two sizes. Small and large, made of polymer and mounted on the transverse wall of the pool at a distance of 10 cm from the edge of the pool.

This part has a chamber through which the pool water enters the filtration system and returns to the pool after being filtered. For pools up to 30 cubic meters, it is suitable to use one skimmer and for larger pools, several skimmers are used. The important point of this piece is to pay attention to the cleaning of the strainer, which should be separated from time to time from the separate door section that is intended for it and is easily accessible. .

One of the advantages of using a skimmer is the ability to connect a pool  vacuum cleaner to it to sweep the pool floor.If the pools benefit from the method of overflowing the pool water, after overflowing, it enters the filtration system through the pool grilles that are installed at its edges.In some cases,in addition to benefiting the pool from the skimmer, the overflow method is also used.
Emaux pool skimmer

Emaux company has produced skimmers in three types, which have an integrated abs body and are resistant to temperature rise. These skimmers are made in China and licensed in Australia with a one-year warranty.
Emaux pool skimmer price

The price of this piece is different based on the size and material, which should be selected according to the size of the pool. 02833683191 and 09198804904